About My Plants

Most of the Plant photos in here are from my house in Neukirchen-Knüll, Germany..but some of it (in pots) are from my apartment in Frankfurt. Please don`t steal the photos..if U want to have it, just ask and I will gladly send it to U . Thank`s for visiting my Blog.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Trees, Bush & Shrubs around me

Malus domestica-Apple tree (Apfelbaum)

Prunus spinosa- Blackthorn Plum (Pflaumenbaum)

Ilex aquifolium argentea marginata-English holly
(Europäische Stechpalme)
Coniferales Taxus baccata-European Yew (Koniferen Eiben)
Cornus Alba Bailhalo-Tatarian Dogwood (Tatarischer Hartriegel)
Acer Palmatum Dissectum Inaba Shidare-
Japanese Lace Leaf Maple (Fächer Ahorn Burgund)
Ligustrum Ovalifolium-Oval leaved Privet
(Ovalblättriger Liguster)
Capsicum Annuum L Varlongum-Hot chilies
Capsium Frutenscens L-Bird`s eye chilies
Capsicum Annuum-Bell Pepper
